Test renders, latest news, big announcements and small ideas.
Houdini training day 5
Finally, we start to animate! Alt + LMB on a parameter: add keyframe Ctrl + LMB: remove keyframe To align the handle to world coordinates press M! And dynamics! On the top shelf, select Rigid Bodies. The first tab is RBD object (RBD stands for Rigid Body Dynamics). It creates an AutoDOP network, automatically generated Dynamics…
Houdini training day 4
Copy node: select the number of copies in the parameter window. Cd in Houdini expressions means colour. Geometry Spreadsheet is C4D Structure: in this window you can check the points, vertexes, primitives and details of the selected object. Here you can check the attributes values for each individual primitive, for example. The points are the intersections…
Houdini training day 3
To parent the position or whatever of one object to another, it’s really simple: highlight the attribute, right click Copy parameter. On the second object Paste Copied Relative References. To see the expression, click on the attribute name. It will cycle between the value and the expression. Dark green on the values means that there’s…
Houdini training day 2 T: Translate R: Rotate E: scalE, select one of the arrows for uniform scale Y: handle tool, cycle L: center Layout Change viewport spacebar + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 H to show all the nodes view + A: frame All, to center the objects in the viewport Keep CTRL pressed to…
Houdini training day 1
So, after 100 days of #gastaloops, I thought I should give Houdini a go. And in the same way, I want to force myself to do something everyday: so, what could be better than posting my steps on my blog? I don’t have a proper plan. I want to use my blog as a big…