Test renders, latest news, big announcements and small ideas.
Gastaloop 109
Quickly done in Cavalry Beta.
Fare e rinfrescare il lievito madre
Lievito madre al 50% di idratazione Questo è la base di tutto, non tornerai mai al lievito chimico! Ma come funziona? Lascia dell’uvetta in acqua tiepida per un’ora: filtrala e mischia 100g dell’acqua di macerazione con 100g di farina e metti da parte in un recipiente coperto da un panno. Il giorno dopo inizia a nutrire… -
Il pane di Gasta con lievito madre e tanti buchi
Facile, ma anche no. Questo è un pane con lievito madre (qui trovate la mia ricetta e come lo uso) ad alta idratazione che non richiede impasto a mano o impastatrice. Solo pieghe in ciotola! Ingredienti 300g di farina bianca forte (con 13g di proteine o più) 240g di acqua tiepida (se hai un termometro,… -
No knead sourdough Gasta bread
High hydration no knead sourdough bread, inspired by Tartine Bread recipe but adjusted to the London weather and the flour I can find. Ingredients 300g strong white flour (13g protein or above) 240g warm water (26 degrees) 100g sourdough starter (50% hydration, room temperature) 8g salt 1 tsp liquid malt / honey The sourdough starter… -
Some gifs for a presentation
Sometimes I'm asked to do talks. I love preparing my presentations adding some bespoke animated gifs. These are some titles I've recently used for a talk I did for Created Academy on the 17th November 2019. -
How I landed my dream job – MAXON
A wonderful interview about my career on Cinema4D Maxon website.
Interview on 8 e mezzo
An interview about the state of projection mapping on 8 e mezzo, one of the best cinema and visual italian magazines. You can download the full September 2017 issue. Nicola Gastaldi, classe 1979, vive a Londra e fa il lead 3D artist. Dopo la laurea inizia a lavorare nella redazione di Magnolia Tv, quindi videomaker… -
Interview on Papercut Magazine
Talking about Surveillance on Papercut Magazine. Full digital copy of Papercut Magazine, Surveillance. Full interview on Medium. Papercut: What are your thoughts about surveillance and privacy? Sharing on social media, tracking, etc.? Gasta: I’ve always been an internet enthusiast and an early adopter of social networks. Coming from my experience in newsgroups, bbs, forums, I…
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